Tohoku Postmortem Brain and DNA Bank
for Psychiatric Research

Postmortem Brain Bank of Fukushima for Psychiatric Research



Let’s join hands and welcome the generation of the mind!-The 21st Century is the era of medical science and care of the mind-Let’s join hands and welcome the generation of the mind!-The 21st Century is the era of medical science and care of the mind-Let’s join hands and welcome the generation of the mind!-The 21st Century is the era of medical science and care of the mind-

The systematic Brain Bank on mental diseases specializes in schizophrenia and is the first of its kind in Japan.
Mental diseases such as schizophrenia are diseases of mind as well as diseases of brain. Neither the causes nor clinical conditions of these diseases are fully understood. Postmortem brain research is essential to further understand them. With this in mind, we seek donations of postmortem brains. The Brain Bank values the registration by persons while they are still living and respects their decision to donate their brains or not.

Copyright 2006 (C)Tohoku Postmortem Brain and DNA Bank for Psychiatric Research All Rights Reserved